Background and Purpose: Colorectal cancer is a common fatal malignancy, the fourth most common cancer in men, and the third most common cancer in women worldwide. Timely detection of cancer in its early stages is essential for treating the disease. Currently, there is a lack of datasets for histopathological image segmentation of rectal cancer, which often hampers the assessment accuracy when computer technology is used to aid in diagnosis. Methods: This present study provided a new publicly available Enteroscope Biopsy Histopathological Hematoxylin and Eosin Image Dataset for Image Segmentation Tasks (EBHI-Seg). To demonstrate the validity and extensiveness of EBHI-Seg, the experimental results for EBHI-Seg are evaluated using classical machine learning methods and deep learning methods. Results: The experimental results showed that deep learning methods had a better image segmentation performance when utilizing EBHI-Seg. The maximum accuracy of the Dice evaluation metric for the classical machine learning method is 0.948, while the Dice evaluation metric for the deep learning method is 0.965. Conclusion: This publicly available dataset contained 5,170 images of six types of tumor differentiation stages and the corresponding ground truth images. The dataset can provide researchers with new segmentation algorithms for medical diagnosis of colorectal cancer, which can be used in the clinical setting to help doctors and patients.
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环境微生物(EMS)的使用通过监测和分解污染物提供了高效,低成本和无害的环境污染补救措施。这取决于如何正确分段和确定EMS。为了增强透明,嘈杂且对比度较低的弱可见EM图像的分割,在本研究中提出了成对深度学习功能网络(PDLF-NET)。 PDLFS的使用使网络通过将每个图像的成对深度学习特征与基本模型Segnet的不同块相连,从而使网络更加关注前景(EMS)。利用shi和tomas描述符,我们在贴片上提取每个图像的深度特征,这些图像使用VGG-16模型以每个描述符为中心。然后,为了学习描述符之间的中间特征,基于Delaunay三角定理进行功能的配对以形成成对的深度学习特征。在该实验中,PDLF-NET可实现89.24%,63.20%,77.27%,35.15%,89.72%,91.44%和89.30%的出色分割结果,分别为IOU,DICE,DICE,VOE,灵敏度,精确性和特定性,精确性和特定性,精确性和特定性,精确性和特定性。
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本文提出了一个新颖的像素间隔下采样网络(PID-NET),以较高的精度计算任务,以更高的精度计数任务。 PID-NET是具有编码器架构的端到端卷积神经网络(CNN)模型。像素间隔向下采样操作与最大功能操作相连,以结合稀疏和密集的特征。这解决了计数时茂密物体的轮廓凝结的局限性。使用经典分割指标(骰子,Jaccard和Hausdorff距离)以及计数指标进行评估。实验结果表明,所提出的PID-NET具有最佳的性能和潜力,可以实现密集的微小对象计数任务,该任务在数据集上具有2448个酵母单元图像在数据集上达到96.97 \%的计数精度。通过与最新的方法进行比较,例如注意U-NET,SWIN U-NET和TRANS U-NET,提出的PID-NET可以分割具有更清晰边界和较少不正确的碎屑的密集的微小物体,这表明PID网络在准确计数的任务中的巨大潜力。
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环境微生物(EMS)在我们周围普遍存在,对人类社会的生存和发展产生了重要影响。然而,对环境微生物(EM)数据的高标准和严格要求导致现有相关数据库的不足,更不用说具有GT图像的数据库。这个问题严重影响了相关实验的进展。因此,本研究开发了环境微生物数据集第六版(EMDS-6),其中包含21种EMS。每种类型的EM包含40个原件和40 GT图像,总共1680个EM图像。在这项研究中,为了测试EMDS-6的有效性。我们选择图像处理方法的经典算法,例如图像去噪,图像分割和目标检测。实验结果表明,EMDS-6可用于评估图像去噪,图像分割,图像特征提取,图像分类和对象检测方法的性能。
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宫颈癌是女性中一种非常常见和致命的癌症类型。细胞病理学图像通常用于筛选这种癌症。鉴于在手动筛查期间可能发生许多错误,已经开发了一种基于深度学习的计算机辅助诊断系统。深度学习方法需要输入图像的固定维度,但临床医学图像的尺寸不一致。图像的纵横比在直接调整它们的同时受到影响。临床上,细胞病理学图像内的细胞的纵横比为医生诊断癌症提供重要信息。因此,很难直接调整大小。然而,许多现有研究直接调整了图像的大小,并获得了高度稳健的分类结果。为了确定合理的解释,我们进行了一系列比较实验。首先,预处理SipakMed数据集的原始数据以获得标准和缩放数据集。然后,将数据集调整为224 x 224像素。最后,22种深度学习模型用于分类标准和缩放数据集。该研究的结果表明,深度学习模型对宫颈细胞病理学图像中细胞的纵横比变化是鲁棒的。此结论也通过Herlev DataSet验证。
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现有的胃癌诊断深层学习方法,常用卷积神经网络。最近,视觉变压器由于其性能和效率而引起了极大的关注,但其应用主要在计算机视野领域。本文提出了一种用于Gashis变压器的多尺度视觉变压器模型,用于胃组织病理学图像分类(GHIC),其使微观胃图像自动分类为异常和正常情况。 GASHIS-COMPURANCER模型由两个关键模块组成:全球信息模块和局部信息模块有效提取组织病理特征。在我们的实验中,具有280个异常和正常图像的公共血毒素和曙红(H&E)染色的胃组织病理学数据集分为训练,验证和测试组,比率为1:1:2胃组织病理学数据集测试组精度,召回,F1分数和准确性分别为98.0%,100.0%,96.0%和98.0%。此外,进行了关键的研究以评估Gashis变压器的稳健性,其中添加了10个不同的噪声,包括四种对抗性攻击和六种传统图像噪声。此外,执行临床上有意义的研究以测试Gashis变压器的胃肠癌鉴定性能,具有620个异常图像,精度达到96.8%。最后,进行比较研究以测试在淋巴瘤图像数据集和乳腺癌数据集上的H&E和免疫组织化学染色图像的概括性,产生可比的F1分数(85.6%和82.8%)和精度(83.9%和89.4%) , 分别。总之,Gashistransformer演示了高分类性能,并在GHIC任务中显示出其显着潜力。
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Audio DeepFakes are artificially generated utterances created using deep learning methods with the main aim to fool the listeners, most of such audio is highly convincing. Their quality is sufficient to pose a serious threat in terms of security and privacy, such as the reliability of news or defamation. To prevent the threats, multiple neural networks-based methods to detect generated speech have been proposed. In this work, we cover the topic of adversarial attacks, which decrease the performance of detectors by adding superficial (difficult to spot by a human) changes to input data. Our contribution contains evaluating the robustness of 3 detection architectures against adversarial attacks in two scenarios (white-box and using transferability mechanism) and enhancing it later by the use of adversarial training performed by our novel adaptive training method.
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This paper proposes the use of an event camera as a component of a vision system that enables counting of fast-moving objects - in this case, falling corn grains. These type of cameras transmit information about the change in brightness of individual pixels and are characterised by low latency, no motion blur, correct operation in different lighting conditions, as well as very low power consumption. The proposed counting algorithm processes events in real time. The operation of the solution was demonstrated on a stand consisting of a chute with a vibrating feeder, which allowed the number of grains falling to be adjusted. The objective of the control system with a PID controller was to maintain a constant average number of falling objects. The proposed solution was subjected to a series of tests to determine the correctness of the developed method operation. On their basis, the validity of using an event camera to count small, fast-moving objects and the associated wide range of potential industrial applications can be confirmed.
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